Neeko's Animal Welfare Foundation

How It Works

Neeko's Animal Welfare Foundation is a private philanthropic fund established by the Dans as a means of supporting an important cause they both care deeply about - helping animals.

In addition to the Dans' contributions, all proceeds generated from merchandise sales, and generous donations from friends, family, and supporters of the cause go directly into the fund.

Neeko's Foundation then issues grants to Canadian charities championing animal welfare efforts.

To learn more, visit our website at

Donate Online

Neeko's Foundation is operated through Gift Funds Canada.

Click the "Donate Now" button to give through Gift Funds' EasyDonate. Donors are entitled to claim their charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

How It Started

Named after our adorable pup Neeko, we could think of no better way to share our love of animals than to start a Foundation in his honour.

We believe all dogs, cats, cows, and otherwise are capable of feelings and emotions just like people. Neeko reminds us of that every single day.