
What is Shift Canada?

Shift Canada is a new movement to cultivate a bold and thriving Canada. Our goal is to galvanize Canadians to greater productivity by inspiring them to be innovative and ambitious, to take risks, try new ideas and dare.  
Our starting point? Shifting the Canadian perspective on success from undermining to celebrating it. 
We believe that, through educational resources and thought leadership, we can unlock an entrepreneurial spirit of innovation, ambition and risk-taking in youth, while shaping a new narrative among Canadians that truly celebrates success.


What is Shift Failure?

Fostering a new generation of entrepreneurial thinkers begins by equipping them with skills to take risks – to try, fail and try again until they succeed. Failure is a brilliant teacher that can equip students with critical life skills, from resilience to perseverance.
Shift Failure offers dynamic project-based lessons for students, empowering them through first-hand experience to view failure not as shameful but as welcomed, valued and celebrated. Designed to allow their entrepreneurial spirit to flourish, Shift Failure will help increase their propensity to be more productive and innovative.
Learn more about Shift Canada

How does Canada compete with the rest of the world when our innovation is weak and our productivity is stalling? There is a way forward, but it will take real change. Find out how you can help Canada realize its potential as a leader, innovator and creator of great things.

Visit us at shiftcanada.org.