Recent Donations

Name Donation Date
Sarah Demaiter $50.00 10/04/2019
Gene Button $75.00 10/04/2019
Jim (Marathon) $100.00 10/04/2019
Tyler & Jocy (Marathon) $100.00 10/04/2019
Mike & Sarah Critelli $50.00 10/03/2019
Mueller’s (Marathon) $100.00 10/03/2019
Sandy Gayman $50.00 10/03/2019
Jenn (marathon) $33.33 10/03/2019
Wesley Haynes $100.00 10/03/2019
Scott Mills (Marathon) $50.00 10/03/2019
Marathon $100.00 10/03/2019
Morgan Scoyne - Marathon $20.00 10/03/2019

Together We Can Make a Difference

Your support makes it possible to provide financial assistance to healthcare professionals that would like to volunteer.  This exciting opportunity changed the life of our daughter, Dr. Shannon Bloch, and we want it to change the lives of many more.

Target: $5,000.00
Current: $26,597.30