Recent Donations

Name Donation Date
Mike Knott $25.00 09/13/2023
Anonymous Private 09/13/2023
Naoma Isobe $100.00 09/13/2023
Emma Radcliffe $100.00 09/13/2023
G Schoenroth $250.00 09/13/2023
Aigner-Johnson Family $50.00 09/13/2023
Anonymous $100.00 09/13/2023
BJ $50.00 09/13/2023
Tara r $100.00 09/13/2023
Anonymous $40.00 09/13/2023
Leif Erickson $50.00 09/13/2023
Ashkan $500.00 09/12/2023
Anonymous $50.00 09/12/2023
Dane Christianson $100.00 09/12/2023
Anonymous $200.00 09/12/2023

Please join me on my journey in support of raising money and awareness.

On September 15th I am running from Vancouver to Whistler, 120km (3 marathons) with 2,000M of elevation gain. I will leave downtown Vancouver at 10:00pm running 18 hours straight and will arrive in Whistler Village at around 4:00pm on September 16th



Target: $30,000.00
Current: $41,800.00